Nuxt Nation 2023 Maya Shavin - Testable Nuxt (Дата оригинальной публикации: )

Maya is a Senior Software Engineer at Microsoft, working extensively with JavaScript and frontend frameworks. She is also an ambassador for Nuxt, a Google Developer Expert on Web performance, and a Media Developer Expert. Besides coding, Maya spends her spare time writing tutorials about JavaScript and best practices, speaks at conferences around the world, and organizes the Israel community. You built a Nuxt application. Now how should you test it efficiently with all the available tools and methodologies, without overkilling? Join Maya’s talk and let’s find out! Attend largest online Conference for free! The official certification of competence for the Framework Do you want to master Nuxt 3? Mastering Nuxt 3 Course Ready to master the Officially recommended State Management solution for ? Mastering Pinia Course Contact us team@
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