City Freedom For Queen Mother (1953)

Guildhall, London. SV Lord Mayor with Queen Mother and Princess Margaret standing in doorway of Guildhall. SV Princess Margaret. SV back view, Queen Mother and Lord Mayor Sir Rupert De La Bere, and others entering. SV members of the Common Council rising. LV Queen Mother standing with Lord Mayor. SV Queen Mother and Lord Mayor about to sit. GV of proceedings. SV aldermen looking on. SV Queen Mother signing roll of Freedom. LV Princess Margaret with Lady Mayoress looking on. SV Lord Chamberlain asks for hand of Freedom (natural sound) applause starts. SV top view, councillors applauding. SV Lord Mayor presenting Queen with two 18th century Battersea enamelled tea-caddies (applause). SV Princess Margaret and Lady Mayoress looking on. SV Queen Mother starts to speak (natural sound) “My Lord Mayor etc...... Our Country and Commonwealth“ - finishes. LV Queen Mother turns and walks back to Lord Mayor (amid applause.) (Lav.) (Orig “B“) FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL
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