The most significant events of World War II come to life in this vivid documentary featuring original and colorized footage.
00:00:00 - Overlord: After careful planning and tremendous secrecy but more importantly the lack of Hitler’s attention, the Allies successfully breach mainland Western Europe through the Normandy landings. After thousands of lives are lost to the operation, the Allies are able to start the liberation of Western Europe.
00:52:43 - Closing The Ring: The Allies are now on the offensive on all three fronts. As their forces push through Europe soldiers start uncovering Hitler’s death camps. This was the Allies’ first concrete knowledge of the Holocaust.
01:44:00 - The Island War: An aggressive war is being waged against the Japanese. The United States is now starting to use a new tactic of island-hopping, resulting in the slow crumbling of the Japanese air force and navy.
02:35:14 - Victory In Europe: From three sides, the British, Canadians, Americans