Shadows of Our Forgotten Ancestors: “I Remember You Seven Times and Hour.“

“Sing Ivanko, as you can. I shall sing for you so that you won’t understand.“ “Tell me, tell me, girl, where have I lost my mind? Or maybe you’ve hidden it in a birch-tree or in a poplar?“ “When we fell in love even dry oaks began to blossom. And when we parted, the lilacs withered.“ “Oh, my sweet Marichka, my talkative bird. If only we had been destined to love each other for one summer.“ “Remember me Ivanko, at least twice a day. I remember you seven times an hour. And the apple tree’s shed its flowers. We had fallen in love as early as children.“ “Oh I went to the meadow and saw a bird there. What are you doing now, my dark-haired Marichka? Oh Marichka, I can’t forget you! Oh, we’ll never be together!“
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