China imposes reciprocal sanctions on five US individuals after hyped-up lies of Hong Kong

People’s Daily: The US Department of State and Department of the Treasury added five deputy directors of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in Hong Kong (LOCPG) to a sanction list pursuant to the Hong Kong Autonomy Act not long ago. What’s China’s response? Zhao Lijian: I already stated China’s solemn position on this the other day. The Chinese side firmly opposes and strongly condemns the US act of sanctioning Chinese personnel and interfering in China’s domestic affairs based on its domestic law. In July this year, the US already announced sanctions on seven Chinese officials including the five deputy directors of LOCPG you just mentioned when it issued the so-called “Hong Kong Business Advisory”. The Chinese side took reciprocal countermeasures on relevant US personnel. Now the US just dusted off the old sanctions and announced them again. It is merely hyping up Hong Kong-related issues to serve its political agenda of containing China. This has laid bare the truth that the
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