’Money Can’t Buy Taste’ The Best and Worst Celebrity Tattoos | Tattoo Artists React

Money can buy a lot of things, but it can’t buy taste. We’ve seen this over and over again in the tattoos worn by the world’s most famous celebrities. With all of that money, power and access, celebrities have no excuse getting bad tattoos. But for every celeb that gets things right—looking at you, Cardi B— there are a hundred Justin Biebers. This week our panel goes off on celebrities who have made horrific tattoo choices, while praising those few that have impressed us along the way. Normally we film Tattoo Artists React at a tattoo convention. We spend two days running around, grabbing people from their booths and asking them a bunch of different questions. COVID obliterated all of our plans, but we pressed on! During lockdown the only way the Inked team talked to each other was via video chat, so we figured, why not do the same thing for our beloved Tattoo Artists React series. Naturally, there were some challenges. It’s a little awkward not being in the room with our friends. And everybody’s
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