SpongeBob - Crew Howl With Me / Leedle Leedle Leedle Lee

From Season 02 Episode 13a: “Shanghaied“ The Flying Dutchman: What a night be this. Crew, howl with me so that we might set the 7 seas ablaze with fear. The Flying Dutchman: Awoooooh. Spongebob: Naaaaah. Patrick: Leedle leedle leedle lee. The Flying Dutchman: Awoooooh. Spongebob: Naaaaah. Patrick: Leedle leedle leedle lee. Patrick: Loodle leedle loodle loo-- [continues leedling incomprehensibly] The Flying Dutchman: ... The Flying Dutchman: ... The Flying Dutchman: ... The Flying Dutchman: Eh, that’ll do.
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