The Expanse - Planetary Railgun Strike (Inc All Build Up Scenes)
All scenes from Season 3 Episode 3 “Assured Destruction“ in relation to the Earth planetary railgun attack against the Martian stealth ballistic missile platforms.
The last scene of the actual railgun strike itself is heavily copyright protected and I was forced to edit this final part substantially to avoid the whole video being blocked. I hope this doesn’t detract too much from one of the highlights of the first half of Season 3.
I think the build up scenes are compulsory viewing to see the skilful manipulation of ’Bobblehead’ Sorrento-Gillis by Errinwright to commit to fire, as well as edifying the posture of Sorrento-Gillis in the last scene and the sequence in it’s entirety. Absolutely fantastic stuff.
Taken from: Season 3 Episode 3 “Assured Destruction“
Retrieved from Amazon Prime U.K. May 2020
As YouTube terminated my last channel due to copyright strikes, I’m having to start from scratch. However, I will be uploading a mixture of content, from new original work, new show clips as well as previous uploads from my last channel. I hope it is of interest to you all.
For material from The Expanse in addition to this YouTube channel, please visit my Vimeo channel for content which due to copyright restrictions, didn’t make it to this YouTube channel. All Season 4 content particularly suffered from this and I am now unable to upload Season 4 material. So all Season 4 clips have now moved to my Vimeo Channel.
Current Vimeo content as of 13th Feb 2021
My Vimeo Channel link
The Expanse - The Shockwave
The Expanse - Miller & Julie: “You Belong With Me“
The Expanse - Marco Inaros S4 Compilation
The Expanse - ’CQB’ Donnager v Stealth Ships
The Expanse - Destruction of The Sinon (Sojourner)
The Expanse - Season 4 Opening Scene: Ring Gate Blockade
The Expanse - The Fall of Adolphus Murtry
The Expanse - Ashford & The Tynan: Purging Piracy in The Sol System
The Expanse - UNN Tripoli Rendezvous with The OPAS Behemoth
The Expanse - The Wave
The Expanse - Amos and Peaches (Melba/Clarissa Mao)
The Expanse - Mars Docks & Filip Inaros Attack
The Expanse - Holden Destroys the Ilus Protomolecule ’Machine’
The Expanse - Edward Israel Shuttle Attack & Lucia Rescue
The Expanse - Crossing The Ring Space (S4)
The Expanse - Mars and the Issue of Generational Building
The Expanse Season 4: “Send In Your Marines General“
The Expanse - The Roci Pulls the Barb to Orbital Safety
The Expanse - 1st Night on Ilus, Finding the Bar & ’Company’
The Expanse - Bobbie Busts David’s Drugs Cook Up
The Expanse - “..My Friend Had a Boyfriend With An Imaginary Friend..“
The Expanse - Murtry Dishes Out His Own Form of Justice
The Expanse - Holden Puts Murtry in His Place
The Expanse - Protomolecule Alters The Laws of Physics at Ilus
The Expanse - Death of Miller & Protomolecule Intelligence on Ilus
The Expanse - Pizzouza Aftermath & Gen McCourt’s Resignation
The Expanse - “Hahaa! Big Surprise for Landing Eh?!“
The Expanse - 2 Of The Very Best & Emotional Scenes
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