RFK Jr. Addresses The Nation - LIVE Breaking News Coverage (Kennedy Dropping Out?)

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (RFK Jr.) will address the nation today, and will reportedly drop out of the presidential race. He also might endorse Donald Trump. Find out whether RFK Jr. drops out and endorses Trump in our LIVE breaking news coverage of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s speech. On RFK Jr.’s social media pages it says of today’s announcement, “Independent Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will address the nation live on Friday about the present historical moment and his path forward in a livestreamed press conference.” Reports say Kennedy will drop out of the race and possibly will endorse former president Trump. In this interactive live stream, host Steve Lookner brings you live coverage of the RFK Jr. address to the nation, and he’ll also read your comments and questions on the air! Thumbnail photo from Wikimedia Commons by Gage Skidmore. Agenda-Free TV licenses live news videos from AFP and Reuters. Some of those videos may appear in this broadcast. Follow us on Twitter/X! Follow us on Facebook! Your donations keep us on the air! Donate at Or get cool Agenda-Free TV rewards by supporting us on Patreon: Don’t want to miss a stream? Get notified whenever we’re going live to cover breaking news by signing up for our free Discord notifications! (You can also chat in the Discord with other viewers when we’re not on the air!)
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