Quick Tips: New Strava Mute Activity Feature!

Strava appears to be testing a new option among about half the user base that allows people to mute an activity from their own feed when publishing. The idea being that many of us might have more trivial workouts or even commutes that we want on Strava for historical sake, but don’t really want to clutter our friends (or clubs) feeds with them. A good example on commuting would be that someone might want to accumulate progress towards a segment’s Local Legend status, which only happens when their activity is public. However, they don’t really feel like publishing their twice-daily rides to work to everyone else feed is that interesting. Basically akin to publishing that you ate oatmeal every single morning and afternoon on your Facebook feed, though, I suppose people do that too. Another simple example would be separated cool-down rides on Peloton, especially for folks that have all new workouts set as public. These 5-10 minute rides are usually the type of thing I delete from my Strava profile, but don’t b
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