Celebrate the arrival of Star Wars’ Original Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa and Han Solo to Fortnite in Skywalker Week :
Wielding lightsabers, blasting rifles, and fighting the Empire has all returned. You may notice a couple changes have been made in favor of the rebellion! Both lightsabers, found as floor loot, are now from the hands (or hand) of Jedi Luke Skywalker. Pick up either of the following: Luke’s Blue Lightsaber (A New Hope) and/or Luke’s Green Lightsaber (Return of the Jedi)! Darth Vader’s lightsaber is also available… but you’ll have to defeat the Dark Lord of the Sith first if r
...ed is your color.
Additionally, check out the modified Junk Rift as there’s a chance it can drop Luke Skywalker’s X-34 Landspeeder! Find Junk Rifts from the ground, Imperial Chests, and regular Chests.
Don’t forget to swing by the Item Shop for a Trilogy of classics! The Original Trilogy Set adds hero Outfits Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, and Han Solo. The additions to this set include lots of other galactic treasures such as:
Slugthrower Rifle Pickaxe
X-34 Landspeeder Glider
R2-D2 Back Bling
Electrostaff Pickaxe
Millennium Falcon Back Bling
Vibro-staff Pickaxe
#Fortnite #FortniteSkywalkerWeek #FortniteStarWars
Play Fortnite Battle Royale, the completely free 100-player PvP mode. One giant map, A Battle Bus, Last one standing wins. ESRB Rating: Teen with Violence.
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