Boulder Shoulder Workout 🔥💪

This is what a typical upper body session looks like for me 🔥 This one was focused on the Shoulders as well as the Triceps and Biceps 💪 Make sure you screenshot the workout below and try it for yourself !! 1. Seated Barbell Press 3x5 (AMRAP Last Set) 2. Seated Arnold Press 3x8 3. Front to Side Lateral Raises 3x8ea (16 reps total) 4. Cable Reverse Fly’s 3x20 5a. EZ Bar Overhead Extensions 3x10 5b. EZ Bar Rolling Tricep Extensions 3xMAX (Use the same weight as 5a) 6a. EZ Bar Preacher Curls 3x10 6b. EZ Bar Standing Curls 3xMAX (Use the same weight as 6a) I really hope you find this video helpful 😊 Please like and subscribe for more content coming soon ❤️
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