Soft Way to Mozart: A Revolution In Music Education.

Did you know that we all have inherent musical potential waiting to be unlocked? That’s right! Everyone is musically inclined, some of us just require different channels to fully bloom. And this is where our journey begins. Our tale is rooted in history, with Guido of Arezzo’s unified musical notation system. This innovative system, described in the treatise “Micrologus“, integrated treble and bass clefs and precise vibrations, using Middle C as a measuring point. This remarkable framework is the foundation upon which our revolutionary technology is built. We’ve taken Guido of Arezzo’s vision and created a visual-interactive technology that fosters musical abilities through direct, multi-sensory interaction. By engaging our senses - vision, hearing, touch, motor skills, speech, spatio-temporal thinking, and coordination - we amplify our innate musical potential. Our product is far more than a piece of software. It is a complete music education course, designed to take le
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