Mufasa x Nala

Hi people! I bring you a crossover of Mufasa x Nala. I hope you like it. Resume: Cub Mufasa were investigating a dark place, some far from home, when he heared somebody shouting. This was a girl who was being running from the hyenas, and Mufasa went to the rescue. They two run but they are between rocks and bones, so Mufasa roared (as a cub, he has a big roar although his age) and the hyenas were scared so Mufasa and the girl find the ending of the place and run to stay in their home safe. In this, Mufasa and the girl tell their names and become friends. The two cubs are now best friends, but they feel more but they are only cubs and don’t say anything to the other (but their behaviour is obvious). One day, as young adults, Mufasa and Nala had a very good time together and they felt in love. All rights to Disney
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