Settlers stone Palestinian homes in central Hebron claiming that stones were thrown at them,

On 9 July 2021, at around 8:30 P.M., about five teens from a settlement in Hebron entered the Jaber neighborhood in the city center. They began throwing stones at homes and pounding on doors. The teens shouted and swore at the residents in full view of soldiers, claiming stones had been thrown at them. Within minutes, they were joined by about 15 other settlers, many of them adults and at least two of them armed. The teens continued to throw stones at homes. The two armed settlers threatened resident Suzan Jaber, a volunteer with B’Tselem’s camera project, who was filming the incident from her window. A police cruiser and two military jeeps arrived at the scene, but the officers and soldiers did not remove the settlers from the neighborhood or detain any of them. At one point, five soldiers went up to the roof of Suzan Jaber’s house and demanded that four members of her family, including two minors, go down to the street with them. The soldiers questioned the young Palestinians about stone-
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