“Cry with a Smile“ (Leon ♥ Bella) Beauty and the Beast (La Bella e la Bestia)

PLEASE READ (lyrics below) – a cool song by a band I recently discovered and love (singer is Floor Jansen, the current singer of Nightwish). Story & dialogue follows lyrics – told in Bella’s POV, a little in Leon’s. Dialogue: Leon: You will regret it. Bella: I know I will. B: My Lord…you asked for me? L: Heads – you will be whipped until you lose consciousness. Tails – you and the girl will go free…Tails. B: My journey has just begun L: Let’s take it together … forget all that you were, I’ll go with you wherever you wish to go. We shall be free… I love you, Bella. I love you. B: If you love me, let me free L: Three days. I give you three days. If by sundown on the third day you’ve not come back, I’ll know there’s no chance for my love, and I shall never see you again …Bella… H: I tried to warn you. Leon has broken your heart. But don’t worry, once I’m his wife, I’ll know how to change him. L: Don’t die… B: He’s not the monster you all think, and even if he was, I’d still love him. L: Please – don’t do it.
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