Fury - music video [MMV]

The music video contains the best moments from a historical war film about the crew of a tank, on the barrel of which the word “Fury“ is written in 2014. All plots are accompanied by cool music: Koven - Never Have I Felt This (no copyright). [MMV - movie music video] __________________________________________ The commander of the crew, known as Wardaddy, who fought with the Nazi troops, first in Africa and then in Europe, pursues one goal - to survive in the war and save the lives of his people ... Events take place in April 1945, when the victory over the Germans was already close. __________________________________________ Our channel: Watch videos without interruption using the playlist [All video clips]: __________________________________________ #Fury #mmv #music_video #soundtrack #music #video_clip __________________________________________ Track: Koven - Never Have I
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