Eyo y’all! Don’t forget to like, comment, and suoabracribe!! I think the last time I’ve made an animation about Igullide and Foxer’s first meeting was that platform 9 animation meme I did which uh oh old animation aeugh. So yay more about what they’re like pre-friendship! Ok so Igullide loves birdwatching and he’d have lil picnic’s for himself in the forest and be living his best life, it was peaceful until it just always felt like someone was watching him. He tried to brush it off because noone but him would even go to this part of the woods anyway. But then he spotted something hidden in the trees, he wasn’t sure what it was but one thing’s for sure, it had a wide grin, large sharp teeth and eyes that would drive one insane if they looked too long in them. His brain went crazy with trying to figure out what this thing is until it just exaggerates the features he saw into something that just haunts him. I mean talk
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