toco toco - AKI INOMATA, Artist

PLACES WE WENT TO AKIBA, Akihabara Area Terrada Art Complex, Tennozu Isle Area HUNCH, Kamata Area Intermediatheque, Tokyo Station Area AKI INOMATA is contemporary artist whose universe revolves around creating original works with animals and living creatures. Some of her most distinctive work includes building original “shelter“ art pieces for hermit crabs or creating pieces of material from clothes to give them to bagworms. We will follow her to AKIBA, a hardware development studio that hosts the latest 3D printers, laser cutters, among other technologies, where INOMATA works on her designs. We will then head over to HUNCH, her studio, before going to Terrada Art Complex, where INOMATA’s work is showcased as part of the Asian Art Award finalists. INOMATA will tell us more about her views on living creatures and the relationships humans hold with their pets and animals, while on a tour a Intermediatheque, a museum with a focus on natural history born from a collaboration between Japan Pos
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