Ray McGovern (former CIA): Ukraine war latest analysis

Follow us on X: Watch the full video here: The Community Church of Boston: A Peace and Justice Congregation Since 1920: As college senior listening to JFK’s inaugural, Ray McGovern asked himself what he might do for his country. The answer was a no-brainer. Fluent in Russian, and after a stint as an Army infantry/intelligence officer, Ray became a CIA analyst – then chief of the Soviet Foreign Policy Branch, then responsible for The President’s Daily Briefing. Only later did Ray conclude that the “operations” people on the other side of those CIA turnstiles orchestrated the assassination of JFK, as well as the cover-up. It became personal: Ray’s boss in the mid-60s was the morose ‘Fred’ Janney, father of Peter Janney, who reports the cover up (and his own father’s role in it) in his fearless book, “Mary’s Mosaic”. 30 years ago another book, “History Will Not Ab
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