Learn 3.0 With Tailwind CSS And Composition API in 2021 - Create A Pokmon app For Beginners (Дата оригинальной публикаци

3.0 is out and in this tutorial I create a fully featured app with Tailwind CSS and the composition API. We use the Pokemon API to do this! Click here to get a free Vue cheat sheet! 👉Check out my last video on VS Code Super Hero! Join my email list and get a free cheat sheet! 0:00 Introduction 1:07 App Introduction 02:36 Installing Vue and Setting Up App 06:13 Setting Up 07:21 Setting Up Routes 09:35 Loading Data in 14:46 Updating template/HTML 18:20 Filtering Data with Computed Property 21:38 Adding In router-links 23:19 Loading Data in 26:21 Updating template/HTML in 30:00 Conclusion ♡ ♡ ♡ Make sure to check out my Vue 360 full course at ♡ ♡ ♡ Make Sure To Check These Courses Out On Udemy ! 💻 The Complete 2020 Web Development Bootcamp - Angela Yu - → JAVASCRIPT ALGORITHMS COLT STEELE’S COURSE - → THE WEB DEVELOPER BOOTCAMP (GREAT FOR BEGINNERS) — ___ Links (and code)
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