Chinese Fan Dance - Traditional Tai Chi Kung Fu Folk Dance in Toronto (太极功夫扇舞蹈表演 - 中华响扇 精忠报国)

The Chinese traditional Fan Dance, a traditional Tai Chi Kung Fu folk dance we filmed at Crystal Fountain Event Venue in Markham Toronto, is a kind of Tai Chi Kung Fu fan dance performance that combines traditional Chinese folk Tai Chi Kung Fu and fan dance. Tai Chi Kung Fu fan dance can subtly blend the resilience of Tai Chi Kung Fu and the beauty of folk fan dance together. The traditional Chinese fan dance is such a beautiful and healthy Tai Chi Kung Fu fan dance, which is especially suitable for middle-aged and elderly people. The video is a show at the 17th Anniversary Dinner of Kang Qi ...Fitness and Dance Club at Crystal Fountain Event Venue in Markham, Toronto. Please feel free to contact us if you require a wedding, birthday party, or any other event video and photo services at Crystal Fountain Event Venue or in Toronto (phone: 647-500-0898, 416-519-8433, email: info@). Crystal Fountain Event Venue Party | Shao Duoli - A Chinese Folk Dance in Toronto (民族!
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