Wheat Harvest Canadian Film Board (1952)

Prarie Provinces, Canada LS. Binder approaching camera. MLS. Binder approaching camera MS. Swath turner in operation (turns wheat over) MLS. Combines on road. MS. Line-up of combines moving off. MLS. Combines in operation & LS. & CS. (2 shots) CU. Swath going in combine. MS. Operator on combine. MS. Combine in operation. MLS. Combine supplying truck with grain, MS. Loading into truck from combine.& MCS. & MS. CS. Man spreading grain in truck. MS. Truck arrives at elevator - Pan along line of trucks: elevator in background. HAMS INTERIOR of elevator - grain being poured into chute from truck. CS. Grain flowing into chute from truck. MS. Truck leaves elevator as another moves in. MLS. Loading grain into freight car from elevator. & MS. MLS. Stock piling grain on farm. & MS. CU. Driver sorting out grain. LS. Grain piled in field. MLS. Farmer testing grain at pile. LS. Lakehead elevators. MLS. Freight car approaches elevator. MLS. Interior elevator - freight car moves into position. MS. Automatic dumper in o
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