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Do you have such a cheese grater at home? Here I show you why you always used them wrong! ✅ Is HERE something for you? ➡️ * If you have a cheese grater at your house and you use it every now and then, chances are you’ve always used it wrong so far. Because there’s a way you can use it that’s much easier. Probably you always hold it over a bowl or a board and then start grating the cheese. But when you do that, a lot of the cheese just falls off. Instead, you should just put the cheese grater down and use it. The advantage of this is that you do not have to hold the cheese grater and the cheese now falls into the grater. This allows you to simply lift the cheese grater at the end and then dump the contents into a bowl. If you have never tried it, then you should use your cheese grater like this in the future! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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