Lemurian and Universal Female Energy Meditation Music, Great for Reiki, Yoga, Spa, Zen 🦋 0040 - SIAS

Magical, gentle, peaceful healing music full of light and love, perfect for Relaxation, Reiki, Zen, Yoga and Meditation. ------------------------------- This piece of music carries the energies of the crystal SIAS and the Lemurian Female Energy. The crystal (symbol in the video) SIAS is part of the light language of the angels ARI’SO’AM, which is also called the Third Language. As you listen to the music, the energy of the crystal is brought to you (Of course, only with your permission). Meaning of the crystal SIAS - Female Energy Visualize SIAS and call the divine mother Shakti to send you the female energy. Charge yourself with ELTA, the male energy. Then ask Jesus to balance your female and male energy so that you can find your center. Usage You can use the crystal in your meditations, healing sessions, etc., by visualizing it in your energy fields (Aura) and breathing in its energies. Music is Divine’s relaxing and healing meditation music videos provide beautiful calming music which you can use to in
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