学中文 - 动物 宠物 | Learn Chinese for kids | Animals & Pets | Aprender Chino | Los Animales & Las Mascotas

Please join us on Patreon: VOCABULARIES FOR KIDS, focus on Pronunciation and Writing so kids can be familiar with Chinese Characters. The idea of this serie is to cover Basic Words by Themes: ANIMALS: SEA ANIMALS: FOREST ANIMALS 2: FOREST ANIMALS PART 1: BUGS/INSECTS: VEGETABLES: FRUITS: FOOD: FOOD 2: FOOD 3: COLORS: NUMBERS: FAMILY MEMBERS: VEHICLES: INSTRUMENTS: WEATHER: CLOTHES: TABLEWARE: SPORTS/BALL GAMES: WHAT IS IT? - FRUIT: WHAT IS IT? - ANIMALS: To make your own flashcards, please go visit or search SUPERCUCOSKIDS in FACEBOOK to download the material. In this video, you can learn how to say and write ¨cat, dog, fish, hamster, rabbit and turtle¨ in Chinese mandarin. The pronunciation, pinyin and characters. 学习猫,狗,鱼,仓鼠,兔子,乌龟的汉语普通话的发音,拼音和文字书写。欢迎到我的网页或脸书下载素材,制作自己的识字卡片。 Aprender las pronunciaciones, pinyin y los símbolos simplificados del gato, el perro, el pez, el hamster, el conejo y la tortuga. Descargar las plantillas en mi sitio web o en facebook para hacer las tarjetas de vocabulario.
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