Anycubic Photon Mono-X Firmware Upgrade – AKA: How to turn on Anti-Aliasing

Upgrade Firmware at your own risk. This firmware has been officially released by Anycubic. If you have issues after upgrade that require Anycubic support you can open a ticket here: Firmware Page: 7-Zip Download: Photon Mono-X: Mono-X FEP: Mono-X NFEP: Mono-X Screen Information: Elite Geek Minis: The Anycubic Photon Mono-X is a great printer. But it was NOT good at Anti Aliasing. Thankfully that issues has been completely resolved with a new firmware release. In this video I show you how much of a difference that firmware makes and how to install it. These are my personal results. You results may vary. If this was helpful consider buying me a coffee so I can make more videos: Or
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