Masters of the Universe Present Themselves On Earth as Humble & Innocuous | Sufi Meditation Center

Talk Chapters : Immensity of imitating the awliya (saints) : 00:00 Only through fasting can we receive Allah’s (AJ) rewards, not actions 00:41 Recite the supplications given by the awliya with their intentions 01:33 Recital of Sayyidul Istighfar 03:15 Secret coding and realities of reciting “Alif-laam-meem. Allahu la ilaha illa Hu al-Hayyul Qayyum wa atubu alayk. Innahuwa tawabur Raheem” 05:52 You will be with those who you copy in deed and in action 07:26 Keep the spiritual and eternal company of the truthful servants of Allah (AJ) 09:33 Their presence is the light of truth which guides you and saves you from satan The Angelic realities of Numbers, the Power of 9 and Shamsul ’Arifeen (Sun of Knowers) : 10:19 Importance of Surah Kawthar – Surah 108 10:46 The power of 9 - the king of all numbers 11:22 Words can have errors but numbers is angelic and can’t have errors 12:07 1-9 are the most powerful, Double-digit renders back to single digit 12:49 The way
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