"What If" Axis Invasion of Malta Wargame

Today on Little Wars TV we’re exploring one the great “what if“ moments of World War 2--what if Hitler hadn’t pulled the plug on Operation Herkules, the Axis invasion of Malta? In the summer of 1942, after extensive preparations and aerial bombardment, it seemed all but certain that Britain’s tiny island foothold in the central Mediterranean would fall. But at the last moment, Hitler cancelled German support for Herkules, sparing Malta from invasion. Fellow wargamer Bruce Weigle spent a year unearthing and studying the details of the Axis plans. Today, we put those plans to the ultimate tabletop test. Can Germany and Italy seize control of Malta? It’s a game--and a custom tabletop--you’ll have to see to believe! To play today’s game, we’re using Bruce’s “Gained By Battle“ World War 2 rules, a system he continues to playtest and refine for future publication. The incredible, scale replica of Malta you see in the video was also made by Bruce and we
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