Noah’s Ark was a UFO Mothership - Brian Ruhe

I start off describing 200 mile diameter mothership UFOs which could have acted as Noah’s Ark and brought life to planet earth. 4:30 I talk about a mental collective and University Galacticus and the collective will of the humans and the federation of planets. Developing humanity. 13:00 Media lies about UFOs are acceptable to prevent hysteria. Join us at Please phone into Brian Ruhe’s live radio show any Tuesday from 6-8 pm EST at Studio B on Studio B at All video playlists: or click on “The Brian Ruhe Show“ above and scroll down. Donate: Bitcoin: 15Ls63J21zzhAPE7ke4P2JhaHyAEhUrJVe Volunteer your time. Be part of a group. My website: Flickr: @N07 My priorities: MP3 audios at: Sensitive videos on: @BrianRuhe:b My three books are available at Amazon. ruhe&crid=1ZU2U0DOIY0QG&sprefix=,aps,101&ref=nb_sb_ss_recent_1_0_recent You have Brian Ruhe’s permission and request to copy any of his videos anywhere.
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