Как сжечь жир в 70 раз быстрее за счет активации жировых клеток для эффективного похудения

I  share with you the secret Bigan Yoga Technique that burns fat 70 times faster. That is the exercise that activates brown fat cells. Brown fat cells contain more fat-consuming mitochondria than normal fat cells. Brown fat cells are abundant especially in between the shoulder blades. If you can activate this cell, you can burn your fat 70 times as fast as the speed of usual strength training. However, these cells are rarely used in general exercise. Therefore, it is important to stimulate and awaken them! If these cells work in your daily life, your body will have a system to lose weight  automatically. Moreover, activating these cells promotes rejuvenation. It also contributes to make your skin brightened and beautiful. I make an effective program to move shoulder blades sufficiently so that any woman can easily practice. You can burn fat comfortably with this innovative exercise! 02:35 Exercise starts Practice Imi’s Bigan yoga everyday with me and let everyone around you
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