Bonus Material: Flux Raider at Desert Brutality 2022

Cool Forgotten Weapons merch! I ran Desert Brutality 2022 this year with a B&T USW-320; a modern stocked pistol chassis for the SIG 320 pistol. One similar product on the market right now is the Flux Defense Raider, and at the match I discovered that Eric was using one of those as a PCC, just like I was doing with my USW. He was kind enough to let me film a couple of his stages (naturally, the two stages least conducive to using a stocked pistol...) and I got some of his thoughts on the platform. I would like to tinker with one of the Flux Defense setups myself at some point, but until then perhaps you will enjoy seeing Eric using one here. Contact: Forgotten Weapons 6281 N. Oracle 36270 Tucson, AZ 85740
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