Video by Аньён Entertainment | k-pop lab

We don’t easily notice our hearts beating. Once in a blue moon, we feel our hearts beating when we actually put our hands on our hearts. But it’s not like we listen to the sound of our hearts on a regular basis. The thing is though, I genuinely felt my heart beating the moment I saw you. 심장이 뛰고 있는데 우린 그걸 잘 인식하지는 못해. 아주 가끔 손을 대보면 느껴지긴 해도. 평소에 누가 심장 소리를 들으면서 살고 있겠어. 근데 너를 보던 순간 진짜 느껴졌어. OnlyOneOf Official : OnlyOneOf TikTok: OnlyOneOf Spotify: OnlyOneOf Instagram : OnlyOneOf Official Twitter : OnlyOneOf Twitter : OnlyOneOf Facebook : OnlyOneOf Fancafe : Business Mail : 8denter@
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