Crisis In France. (1968)

Paris, France CRISIS IN FRANCE. Var. shots during a large Leftist March from the Bastille to the Gare St. Lazare. . (Communist Influenced Union) banners are prominent and the march is led by Communists Waldeck Rochet and Jacques Duclos and other leftist members. It is quite peaceful. Tracking shots past a very long queue of cars waiting to be served with petrol at a roadside station in Paris. Even this queue was reserved for priority services such as doctors, food, etc. Var. good shots of the coming and going of French ministers at the Elysee Palace. This followed De Gaulle’s announcement calling for important cabinet changes. MS & CU Party members leaving a meeting at the French communist HQ in Paris Var. shots of very large pro De Gaulle demonstrations in Paris. The marchers assemble in the Place de la Concorde and march to the Arc de Triomphe. Many young people and war veterans are in the march. Two GV’s from the top of the Arc de Triomphe show the enormity of the pro-De Gaulle su
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