Why Restricting Video Games As A Parent Is Actually Damaging

Check out Dr. K’s Guide to Mental Health Included free with Healthy Gamer Coaching: We’re here to help you take control of your mental health and your life: ▼ Timestamps ▼ ──────────── 0:00 - Reddit Post; “Teenage son addicted to video games...“ 4:14 - Language Analysis 8:25 - Learned Behaviours and how they’re applied 13:38 - Engage with your child 15:07 - Psychosomatic Symptoms 16:28 - The kid will always win 17:34 - Mistrust as a default is toxic 18:36 - Helping without ’fixing’ 19:39 - Alliance Building 21:53 - Super OP question technique 23:55 - Restraint over restriction (teaching self-regulation) 28:40 - Let your kid learn how to fail 32:15 - Producing a manchild 34:38 - Old parenting styles are obsolete (societal changes) ──────────── DISCLAIMER Healthy Gamer is an online community and resource platform for gamers and their families. It does not provided medical services or professional counseling, and it is not a substitute for professional medical care. Our coaches are peer supporters, not professionally trained experts, and they cannot provide medical service. If you or a loved on are experiencing an emergency, please call your nation’s emergency telephone number. All guests of Healthy Gamer are informed of the public, non-medical nature of the content and have expressly agreed to share their story. Become a Healthy Gamer! Healthy Gamer Merch Store: Discord: Support us on Ko-fi: Interviews & Lectures: Twitch Channel: Podcast: #parenting #parents #videogame #teen #videogameaddiction #healthygamer #healthygamergg #healthygamer_gg #drk #doctork #dr.k #alokkanojia #therapy #therapist #family #familytherapist #addiction #dopaminedetox #dopamine #mychild
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