Order the new album “Hostis Humani Generis“ here:
Sail away with the most authentic pirate rock masterpiece since the golden age of the dreaded
Director, Script, Storyboard, Editing, Color Grade: Jens Choong
Producer, Light design, FAD: Jonas Nimrodsson
Editing: Owe Lingwall
Line producer, SAD: Björn Malmros
DOP: Jonas Ernhill
DOP Second Unit: Kenneth Ly
Gaffer: Martin Gavelin
Sound: Linda Iro Näsström
Production design, Costume: Peter Mollwing
Makeup, Costume assistant: Magda Andersson
Makeup: Alexandra Nimrodsson
Location manager: Anton Täljebäck
Script supervisor: Ander
...s Nyberg
Scenografer assistant: Simon Brändström
Scenografer assistant: Nick Bohman
Scenografer assistant: Ina Molin
Production assistant : Frida Granström
Production assistant: Eva Maaherra Lövheim
Production by:
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