Why some blacks celebrate Kwanzaa and not Christmas ?

Why do some blacks celebrate Kwanzaa and not Christmas? If you enjoy our video platform, please use this Media platform by letting Shaymay Media Productions Video Production . can help you with your Video Production needs. Visit our website at Https:// or E-mail us at or call 1-312-884-9757; we are located in the ., Chicago, IL. Please help this Media platform by donating to our “PayPal account link“ / WE ARE ALWAYS LOOKING FOR CONTRIBUTORS AND OUR TV SHOW AND PODCASTING PLATFORMS NOW. To get more youtube subscribers/likes/shares /and comments, use “Vidiq“; this is the website link: / This will help support this youtube channel. Why do some blacks celebrate Kwanzaa and not Christmas? Join our Facebook website community at this website link Call us for more information at 1-773-
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