Contemporary Dog

A corgi finds mushrooms in a forest. 🧾 A BRIEF DESCRIPTION: 2017, I thought of a joke. So much did I think of this joke and laugh at it, that I saw it and heard it. I expected, in my innocent days, that this would be a little project of mine, prompted by laughter and fellowship among my friends. The proof of my misunderstanding is here today. For the more I insisted on this interesting “joke“, the more I saw how much it was possible to invest myself and how much this joke allowed me to be, artistically. My ideas in symbiosis with opportunity and situation — it was taking on a course and a life of its own. After a while, this dear Corgi, who stars in this dear video, became a friend who helped me through almost 5 whole years. Hundreds of hours of editing, drawing and animating, hundreds of hours just waiting for things to open or render. Countless notes, calculations and tests. Many periods of my life; endings and beginnings; dislikes and passions. I never, however, put this project
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