Small Arms of WWI Primer 084: French Contract Winchester 1907
Othais and Mae delve into the story of this WWI classic. Complete with history, function, and live fire demonstration.
C&Rsenal presents its WWI Primer series; covering the firearms of this historic conflict one at a time in honor of the centennial anniversary. Join us every other Tuesday!
Armourer’s Bench
Winchester Collectors
The Cody Firearms Museum
Additional reading:
“John Brownin’s Contemporaries: The Guns of T.C. Johnson”
Matthew Moss
“Model 1907 Rifle, “meeting Meerschaum””
The Winchester Collector, Spring 1989
Ed Brandhorst
Winchester Repeating Arms Company
Herbert G. Houze
“Deux Beaux Duels Aeriens”
La Guerre Aerienne Illustree
March 08, 1917
“Un Combat dans la Nuit”
La Guerre Aerienne Illustree
August 30, 1917
“Un ‘AS’ Allemand Abattu par une ‘Saucisse”
La Guerre Aerienne Illustree
January 03, 1918
“Les Cigognes”
La Vie Aerienne
February 06, 1919
Safe range space thanks to Triana Protection
Additional photos thanks to Rock Island Auction
Ammunition data thanks to DrakeGmbH
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