Igor Stravinsky: Requiem Canticles (1966) / Bour (1980)

Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971): Requiem Canticles, per soli, coro e orchestra (to the memory of Helen Buchanan Seeger) (1966) --- Eleonora Jancovitch, mezzosoprano; Robert Hamis el Hage, basso --- Coro e Orchestra Sinfonica di Torino della RAI (Maestro del coro: Fulvio Angius) diretti da Ernest Bour --- I. Prelude II. Exaudi [1:22] III. Dies Irae [3:37] IV. Tuba Mirum [4:38] V. Interlude [5:45] VI. Rex tremendae [8:41] VII. Lacrimosa [10:03] VIII. Libera me [12:22] IX. Postlude [13:40] ---- The music published in our channel is exclusively dedicated to divulgation purposes and not commercial. This within a program shared to study classic educational music of the 1900’s (mostly Italian) which involves thousands of people around the world. If someone, for any reason, would deem that a video appearing in this channel violates the copyright, please inform us immediately before you submit a claim to Youtube, and it will be our care to remove immediately the video accordingly. Your collaboration will be appreciated.
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