1. TOP 3000 Russian words: Hitechroyal 3000 dictionary - how to learn russian language
What is this dictionary? It’s a list of the top 3,000 Russian words you absolutely need to know. If you master these words, learning Russian will become much easier.
This video is part of the first day of learning Russian for English speakers. Here is the link to the first day playlist:
The hardest part is getting through the first month.
Why is it hard?
But that’s actually a misleading effect. Remember one thing — this dictionary has 30 steps for 30 days.
You will repeat each word at least 50 times! Don’t try to re-listen. Rest assured that you will encounter each word many, many times. You will make each word automatic!
All steps are interconnected, and in each video of this dictionary, you will continue building on what you learned in the previous video.
You will start noticing the effect in about one or two weeks.
The dictionary is designed to activate your memory at different intervals over the month for each word. Remember this and don’t worry if you don’t remember something right away.
The dictionary includes multiple repetitions of each word in one line — this is so you can hear every sound clearly and avoid having an accent later on.
Weigh the pros and cons. Think about how you can learn the language not in 5 years, but in just one year!
Think about how the more often you hear each word, the faster you will start speaking.
Why does a child say “mama” or “dada” first? Because those are the words they hear most often!
If you want real progress, trust this process just once! You need to form a neural network in your brain for the Russian language. It doesn’t grow instantly. Every repetition is a stimulus for the growth of your language network.
Every word repetition is new growth. This only works this way. You will need to go through the process a child goes through learning their native language. You just need to repeat it, and background learning of Russian will help you speed up this process.
Just play it in the background while you go about your day, like a child playing with toys or watching cartoons on TV without understanding anything.
You don’t need to understand anything, trust your mind, it will find all the connections. You just need to help it: turn on the video.
There are two versions of this video — with and without music. If you feel sleepy from the flow of words, turn on the video with relaxing music and go for a walk. Walk, listen. Don’t try to force yourself to learn.
Turn off any worries. Turn off attempts to study.
The flow of words is so powerful that it doesn’t require effort or mental exhaustion. You can get distracted and even talk to someone on the street, and the flow of words will keep reaching your new neural network and growing it word by word.
This video is the first video of the first day of the Russian language course for English speakers.
Why does the video start with number 2? Because this is a personalized dictionary. The first video has an introduction with your name and a block of pronouns. This video just can’t be without a name because the whole dictionary was conceived and made as a personalized gift.
After this video, you will also listen to the hitechroyal phrase dictionary with 100,000 phrases. Spread everything out over the day as you like. Completely relax, and be assured that no one else will give you such an information flow besides this course.
Just relax and immerse yourself in the language environment.
Please help spread the word about our videos. If there are no views, what’s the point in continuing? Everything will just come to a halt...
At the end of the course, you will receive two personalized Hitechroyal dictionaries: one with 5,000 words and another with 100,000 phrases. You can specify the name you want. This allows you to give a very valuable gift to a loved one. It’s a gift that is valuable both financially and in terms of its usefulness.
This video is part of the first day of learning Russian for English speakers. Here is the link to the first day playlist:
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