USA 2001 ▶ 9/11 New York WTC World Trade Center Twin Towers (Part 1) Unseen Footage Eyewitness

150 USA 2001 ▶ 9/11 New York Unseen Raw Footage Eyewitness (Part 1) WTC World Trade Center - Twin Towers collapse on September 11, 2001 Part 2: Donate ▶ - Please help our work in digitizing rare historical material. Thank you for your support! German History Archive ▶ Part 1 & 2: People falling out of the building across the video. 10:15 beginning 11:10 more people fall out of the building Rigor mortis has set in among still unsuspecting observers. 11:25 Explosion of the second tower. No plane is heard, only an explosion. There is no talk about any plane. From 12:20 there is talk about bombs. 12:50 Woman says “It’s definitely a bomb“. 13:46 Man “It is a bomb, they knew everyone will be looking at it, this is sick“. 15:50 A woman starts asking the question in the round
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