The Africas | Sony FX6 Cinematic

This film was shot on the Sony FX6 in five countries across Africa over six weeks. It was an incredible feat for our 3-person crew. The intention was to create a passion piece that represented the values of our production company Grafton Create on a new cinema-line camera: 1. Be willing to take risks 2. Capture what we feel, not just what we see 3. Nature is our canvas. Always 4. Pleasure is in the adventure BUY THE FILM LUTS Buy the 4-Pack The Africas Film LUTs here: Buy the 9-Pack The Africas Film LUTs here: ) _______ The equipment I used for this project: Sony FX6: =sr_1_1?crid=1LN39EFAPZCKG&keywords=Sony%2BFx6&qid=1700114431&sprefix=sony%2Bfx%2Caps%2C523&sr=8-1&th=1&_encoding=UTF8&tag=graftoncreate-20&linkCode=ur2&linkId=a07ad8c
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