Behemoth Evangelia Heretika live on Paris 2008 HQ DVD RIP h264 AAC

00:00:00 - Rome 64 C.E 00:01:34 - Slaying the Prophets ov Isa 00:05:13 - Antichristian Phenomenon 00:09:27 - Demigod 00:13:03 - From the Pagan Vastlands 00:17:02 - Conquer All 00:21:17 - Prometherion 00:24:31 - Drum Solo 00:25:45 - Slave Shall Serve 00:29:35 - As Above So Below 00:34:39 - At the Left Hand ov God 00:40:37 - Summoning ov the Ancient Ones 00:44:35 - Christgrinding Avenue 00:49:04 - Christians to the Lions 00:52:20 - Sculpting the Throne ov Seth 00:56:59 - Decade ov Therion 01:00:08 - Chant for Ezkaton 2000 E.V. 01:07:16 - I Got Erection 01:10:38 - Pure Evil & Hate
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