Raw German combat footage Normandy invasion & preparations, Erwin Rommel & Operation Overlord - Pt 2

Episode 153 Open a free account and see example exclusive footage on This periodical was published in February of 1944 and is in the series Die Wehrmacht. Its first article covers the defensive preparations being made along mainland Europe’s Atlantic coast intended to counter the expected Anglo-American invasion which would come four months later. As we go through the article, I’ll mix in more rare associated film footage to bring it to life. At the end of the video I’ll talk about the purchasing, collecting and selling of such investment grade originals so stick around, it’s worth it. For many weeks, on the other side of the English Channel, discussions about whether the planned invasion which has long been pushed by the Soviets, can succeed. In newspapers and on the radio professionals and amateurs alike have prognosticized the expected result of such an Anglo-American operation. It’s as if the media frenzy is somehow supposed to give them courage, to convince themselves t
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