Châteauneuf de Grasse - A Romantic Medieval Village - Exploring A French Village Full of Charm

Village listed in the inventory of historical sites of the Alpes Maritimes. Clinging to the hillside Châteauneuf de Grasse dominates the surrounding countryside and in the distance the bay of altitude is 413 m on an area of 895 de Grasse, bell tower The visit of the village will make you discover here and there along the alleys of many testimonies of the past: windows decorated with sculptures in the shape of shells, gates, passages, wide staircases, houses of the XVIth and XVIIth century, porches, lintels, washhouses. 20 km from Cannes, 31 km from Nice and 6 km from Grasse. Exit A8 Mougins then Grasse. The generous climate of the Côte d’Azur is conducive to the cultivation of plants with captivating fragrances. The city is chosen by big names in perfumery, such as Fragonard, who cultivate here the essences used in the composition of their perfumes. From Châteauneuf-Grasse, you can discover this particular world, between luxury and
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