How far can you throw F1 Grenades in Rust?

In most other games, grenades and throwable munitions are really common, but In Rust that’s not always the case with most players not thinking too much about using F1 Grenades as a staple part of their kits. Part of the reason for me has always been how hit and miss the throws of the grenades feel - whether that’s just me or not - I wanted to spend some time seeing exactly how far you can actually throw an F1 grenade and how different ways of throwing the grenade effected distance. Things like jumping while throwing or getting a run up. I checked out how far these grenades travel in a couple set ups to see how far they can be thrown, how long they have to travel and how far is the furthest actual killing distance. I enjoy making these experiment videos and I hope you find them interesting too - if you did please like the video and consider subscribing! We recently hit 500 subs and I couldn’t be happier - thank you all so much! Chapters: 00:00 - About grenades 00:30 - The set up 01:15 - Standing and
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