Utatane Piko - taste the rain - VOCALOID カバー +vsqx

#PromoVocaCOVER Original: () vsqx: Me! ( SC DL: First off: I’M ALIVE! Second: CHECK. OUT. ’S WORK!!! Their twitter: (They have a cool website too: ) Anyways, back to me(?): Sorry for the lack of uploads as of the past... * checks clendar * 5 months? I’ve been doing a lot of stuff that isn’t covers like writing, art, tuning smth and not finishing it, the works. Then about a month ago I saw that a tuning contest popped up, and thought “Hey, maybe I could finish up that cover that has been sitting there for a while for it, as it does fit the requirements.“ so I did. THEN I PROCEEDED TO STEW IN PANIC FOR ABOUT A MONTH ABOUT HOW MY TUNING IS BAD ACTUALLY AND THEN I SAW THAT I NEEDED TO CONTACT THE PRODUCER SO I WAS NOW PANICKING OVER A DIFFERENT REASON (AKA: Talking to someone I’ve admired from afar for a while now). All in all, panik/10, would not recommend. btw I’m going to try a new title format? Does it look good like this? (Original video so I don’t waste another month and miss the deadline. Might make my own art for a thumbnail later on tho) (Update: Changed the thumbnail to my shitty imiation of ’s art. Might tweet it out on my alt if someone wants it for their desktop or smth)
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