Africans Demand Action (1965)

Item title reads - Africans demand action. Rhodesian crisis. Delegates meet to condemn illegal Ian Smith regime in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) and threaten to break diplomatic relations with Britain if rebellion is not quashed. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Various shots of the Africa Hall in Addis Ababa. M/S and C/U interior as delegates walk up the steps. C/U Haile Selassie walking up steps. Interior M/S of the conference. C/U of the Secretary General on left, Mr Diallo Telli, with the Chairman on the right. C/U the Tanzanian delegate Rashidi Kawawa. C/U Zambian delegate Simon Kapwepwe. C/U Kenyan delegate Joseph Murumbi. M/S Haile Selassie. Exterior shots of students’ demonstration. M/S of Lockheed Hercules taxiing on the runway at Dar es Salaam. C/U sign ’Dar Es Salaam Airport’. M/S of the Hercules on tarmac. C/U officials getting off the plane and being greeted by the Zambian High Commissioner and Tanzanian Minister. M/S group of officials. Various shots as copper ingots are unloaded from aircraft. They a
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