What Equipment did Kurt Cobain use? Kurt Cobain’s touring gear

Ever wondered how Kurt Cobain achieved his massive on stage sound? Here at Future Sound Music we have compiled a list of the most used gear used by Kurt Cobain. He would buy whatever he could find in music shops. This meant he had some weird stuff at the beginning. We’ve trawled the net, watched videos etc and put together what we think is the definitive list of touring gear. If we’ve missed anything, let us know! Like John Frusciante? Check out his gear here : Transcript 0:00 Welcome to Future Sound Music’s Artist, Touring gear, rig rundown... video. This is the first one we’ve done and it’s gonna be about Kurt Cobain. So before Kurt was interested in Fender Mustangs and Jaguars he would pretty much use whatever he could find in music shops. 0:16 So he used an Epiphone ET270 and a Univox HiFlyer for some reason. On the amp side of things he was using a Randall solid state head with a BullFrog 2x12 cab. I cannot find a picture of that anywhere, if anyone can, post below.
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